'23 Walkers assembled at the Towlers Bay track-head and proceeded to MT at a lookout offering panoramic views.'
2020 10 23 Reg ChristineMcA 20201023 094322 2a2020 10 23 Reg ChristineMcA 20201023 094145 2a
Looking north over Morning Bay (John M, Judy) and looking east to the Pittwater and Newport on the coast (Michael and Sue). 

'We then descended through spotted gum and forest oak to first a small dam and then a summer house near the waters edge where the poet Dorothea Mackellar lived in the 1920's.'
2020 10 23 Reg DonWo abandoned dam reflections2020 10 23 Reg DonWo dorotheas house
'Relections in a dam' and Dorothea Mackellar's abode at Little Lovett Bay. Times change - the youngest walker (in their 40's?) had not heard of DMac.

2020 10 23 Reg DonWo morning beach lagoon
'The walk continued to Morning Bay where we admired the mangroves and marvelled at a jet ski riding dog',

2020 10 23 Reg ChristineMcA 20201023 111433 2a
Left: The group gathered at Morning Bay lagoon and
Top: Tail-end Tim the last to leave.
Sadly no image of the jet ski owner taking his dog for a trip.


'We then meandered back to Woody Point for a leisurely lunch. Next came the steep assent of the Youth Hostel track back to our MT spot.'
2020 10 23 Reg HelenA 20201023 120031a2020 10 23 Reg HelenA 20201023 125019a

Another half hour of walking on a very hot, exposed fire trail took us back to the cars and then coffee at Terry Hills.'

Odds and Ends

2020 10 23 Reg DonWo lace monitor2020 10 23 Reg DonWo grass tree flower2020 10 23 Reg DonWo grass tree flower bees
A beady stare from a Lace Monitor Varanus varius and a Grass Tree Xanthorrhoea flower feeding a couple of bees.

2020 10 23 Reg ChristineMcA 20201023 094128 2 cropped022020 10 23 Reg DonWo morn tea discussion
Photographed at MT: Serious listening by Don Wo and Helen A; Bronwyn, Elizabeth  and Bill S more relaxed.

Leader: Martin, co-leaders Helen A and Chris B, John G assisting on the day.
Walkers: Bronwyn, Rhondda, Tim, Elaine, Annette Ell, Michael and Sue, Judy, Ros G, Chris McA, Bill McD, Lydia, John M, Elizabeth, Wendy P, Pragati, Bill S, Don Wo and Darryl.
Tail-End: Tim

Words: Martin; Photos: Chris McA 1,2,6,12; DonWo 3,4,5,9,10,11,13; HelenA 7,8