16 February - Regular walk:Bondi Beach to Coogee

Due to the obvious popularity of the introductory EZY walk programme, sadly this group only managed to gain a total of 6 participants however all agreed it was a most enjoyable day.

2018 02 16 Reg Claude P IMG 4376 12018 02 16 Reg Claude P IMG 4354

2018 02 16 Reg Anne R P1170755                                                                                                  On a perfect summer’s day we set out and enjoyed the glorious coastal scenery between Bondi and Coogee Beaches.  

                             2018 02 16 Reg Claude P IMG 4361

                                2018 02 16 Reg Anne R P1170759  2018 02 16 Reg Claude P IMG 4367

                                       Margaret and Lindy celebrate another flight of steps conquered                                     We stopped for a rest after even more steps

                          2018 02 16 Reg Anne R P1170765

                              We admired the Plus group powering up the hill out of Tamarama (and needed coffee to recover from the sight!)

a                           2018 02 16 Reg Claude P IMG 43712018 02 16 Reg Anne R P1170769

We stopped at Tamarama for coffee and morning tea and were then invited by Helen A to join the EZY group to hear an interesting talk by Kurt on the history of the various places to be visited on the walk.  These included Bronte, Clovelly, Gordon’s Bay and Dolphins Point.

2018 02 16 Reg Claude P IMG 4378  2018 02 16 Reg Claude P IMG 4379              

At Bronte we entered the SLSC where Anne G showed us an honour-roll board containing the names of her father and other ancestral members.                                                                                                                         (R. Gibbins, her father-in-law, and H. Gibbins, grandfather-in-law).

                                        2018 02 16 Reg Claude P IMG 4385

                                                                                                                    The group enjoying a "Titanic" moment.

                   2018 02 16 Reg Anne R P1170773

              Continuing on through Waverley Cemetery we paused of course by the grave of Dorothea McKellar.  The ladies could not go past without reciting the beloved second verse of “My Country,”                                           much to the amusement of the Claude and “Frere Jacques.”  Don’t they know how much we loved her??   

2018 02 16 Reg Anne R P1170777 2018 02 16 Reg Anne R P1170775 2018 02 16 Reg Anne R P1170780

                              An angelic guard of honour for the Regular Group?                                                      Some of the famous names buried in Waverley Cemetery.

                     2018 02 16 Reg Claude P IMG 4390

                                                                                                                   A bird's eye view of  Gordons Bay

2018 02 16 Reg Claude P IMG 43982018 02 16 Reg Anne R P1170781 2018 02 16 Reg Anne R 170793                                                                                    After visiting the Bali memorials and the ocean pool we settled on a grassy area with a view of Coogee Beach for lunch.                                                                                                                                                                  The EZY group caught up and joined us for coffee at the Coogee Bite Café.

Leaders: Margaret & Claude

Walkers:  Anne R, Anne G, Lindy L, Jacques P (visitor)

Words by Margaret P. and photos by Claude P. (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 16, 20) and Anne R. (3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19)