2018 06 15 EZYWalk Deidre mapDSCN5820
A beautiful day for the three levels of walkers who set out from Cronulla on the ferry across Port Hacking to the pretty community of Bundeena in the Royal NP. The EZY walkers said farewell to the plus and regular walkers who set off at a great pace. Morning tea was a short leisurely walk up the hill from the ferry where we found a pleasant grassed area with lovely views across Port Hacking which made a perfect morning tea spot.
2018 06 15 EZYWalk Deidre morningteaDSCN5784Following morning tea and a short street walk, we soon found ourselves on Jibbon Beach which is in a bay that forms part of a popular harbour for sailing boats.  There is a rock shelf at either end of the beach.
2018 06 15 EZYWalk Lyndy JibbonBeach2018 06 15 EZYWalk Deidre JibbonBeachDSCN5792
201896 15 EZYWalk Deidre rowingboatDSCN5794
                        Will we all fit and is the rowing boat seaworthy??                                                                                  Jibbon Beach looking towards Jibbon Head                       
2018 06 15 EZYWalk Deidre LittleJibbonBeachDSCN5797                                                                                                      Little Jibbon Beach just north of Jibbon Beach
Leaving the main track, we took a sidetrip to the Jibbon Head Aboriginal engravings which are found on the western side of Jibbon Head just above little Jibbon Beach. The large rock shelf has a number of large engravings of both marine and land animals. 
2018 06 15 EZYWalk Deidre engravingsDSCN58052018 06 15 EZYWalk Deidre engravingsDSCN5808
Looking at the carvings is to remember that almost a thousand aborigines roamed this area in groups of twelve to eighteen. They were the extensive Tharawal tribe whose land extended from Botany Bay to the Shoalhaven and west to Camden and Campbelltown.  Words by Margaret B.
Leaving the engravings we rejoined the main track and continued on to Jibbon Head.  As we rounded the headland we stopped to look for whales and were rewarded with some sightings.  It was at this point we met up with the regular walkers going in the opposite direction.
2018 06 15 EZYWalk Deidre viewsfromJibbonHeadDSCN58172018 06 15 EZYWalk Deidre views from JibbonHeadDDSCN5814

                                                                   Views from Jibbon Head which is the southern headland forming the entrance to Port Hacking.

Continuing on the track we weaved in and out of the scrub following the coastline until we reached Shelley Beach which is a sandy and rocky beach on the east side of Jibbon Head.  The beach is in a small bay and made an excellent lunch spot.

2018 06 15 EZYWalk Deidre LawrielunchDSCN58232018 06 15 EZYWalk deidre lunchDSCN5821
After lunch, we decided to take the small loop track across the headland to rejoin Jibbon Beach and back to Bundeena where we met up with the regular walkers who were waiting for the 2.00pm ferry.
2018 06 15 EZYWalk Deidre ferryDSCN58252018 06 15 EZYWalk Deidre walkerswaitingfortheferryDSCN5826
                                          The EZY and regular walkers waiting for the ferry in very blustery cold winds and...........here's the ferry for our return to Cronulla
On Margaret B's recommendation, we enjoyed coffee at "Anna's Shop Around the Corner" in Cronulla and what a find.  A great little cafe/second hand bookshop very close to Cronulla train station.  We all agreed we would return one day.  Thank you, Margaret B!
2018 06 15 EZYWalk Deidre coffeeDSCN5828

FYI........Jibbon of Jibbon Beach and Head means "sand at low tide"(Margaret B)

Deidre and Margaret B led Sue B, Lawrie, Lilian, Lyndy and new member, Jenny who joined HVB today.

Words by Deidre

Photos by Deidre (1-3, 5-15)  and Lyndy (4).