Kings Tableland - from the valley floor! We were walking along the top, to Lion Head on the far right. Photo from Clive (in an earlier life).
A day of brilliant weather saw 20 enthusiastic walkers experience a new walk. We were enthralled by the display of a flock of yellow-tailed black
cockatoos in the trees at the meeting point, before we had taken a single step!
Typical group, waiting in the cold at Karuah for the carpool Briefing at track-head - sunny and almost warm!
After a 3 km walk along a well-graded fire trail through eucalypt forest, we split into 2 groups for the bush section of the walk.
It was only another 3 km out to Lions Head, but the track provided a variety of challenges and required a lot more concentration.The initial
narrow uphill track gave way to a rocky, uneven track as it levelled out and proceeded through low shrubs which crowded the track.
It wasn't long before we reached the first lookout over the Kedumba Valley, with some fog still floating in the sea of green. A short walk later
we stopped for morning tea on a rocky outcrop with magnificent views.
The track then loosely followed the escarpment, with glimpses of the valley from precipitous ledges, interesting bush and rock platforms as we
trekked up hill and down dale.
First view of Kedumba Valley Morning tea with a view
Heading off after morning tea Admiring the view
And what a view! Mt Solitary and other scenic wonders.
The track was faint and hard to follow.... It was steep and rocky.... This is where it joins the firetrail.
A final steep ascent to Lion Head was rewarded by wide ranging views to Mt Jelore, Mt Mouin and many other points of interest.
Panorama from Lion Head
Group 2... and Group 1, at Lion Head
Clive, can and cairn on Lion Head. We left a HVB entry in the log. More of the Tableland seen from Lion Head.
Fabulous view of Lion Head from our approach route Wendy with wattle
We then re-traced our steps to the cars before some walkers stopped for a late coffee at the Lapstone Hotel on the way back home.
Banksia spinulosa Darwinia taxifolia Patersonia longifolia Lambertia formosa
A note from the photographer: 'It was of special interest to see Darwinia taxifolia near where we had MT, as this small plant has restricted distribution in the Central Blue Mtns. It is the more common Darwinia fascicularis that is widespread in coastal heath and sandstone plateaus.'
Consensus: challenging but worthwhile. (Hear! Hear! Ed.)
Leaders: Clive and Wendy C. First aid officers: Kurt, and Mary.
Group 1 walkers: Elaine E, Chris McA, Dawn, Bert,Wendy P, Guenter, Vreni, Don Wo
Group 2 walkers: Don B,John D’C, Martin, Barbara, Anne R, Sue S, Lyn, one visitor.
Photos: Clive (1), Anne R (6), Sue S (19,20,21,22), Wendy (4,10,11,13,23), Don (2,3,7,8,9,12,14,15,16), Christine MacA (17,18)