It was a chilly four degrees when the first of the thirty seven members and three visitors arrived at Smiths Park and Pughs Lagoon. The lagoon was named after Edward Pugh who was granted 100 acres in the vicinity in September 1802.
29 06 18 RichmondHeritageWalkandBBQ Deidre PughsLagoon DSCN5835                                                                      Mist rising from Pughs Lagoon and first rays of sunshine through the trees on Smiths Park
2018 06 29 RichmondHeritageWalkandBBQ DonWo early mornign gathering 2                                                                                    Early morning gathering for morning tea before the start of our heritage walk
Dividing into two groups with Jill and Rhondda leading the first group and Deidre the second group our Richmond Heritage Walk commenced at St Peters Anglican Church at the western end of Windsor Street and included many buildings constructed during the first hundred years of European settlement. 
2018 06 29 RichmondHeritageWalkandBBQ DonWo GeorgianCottages2018 06 29 RichmondHeritageWalkandBBQ DonWo St Peters
      Ray and Rex at St Peters Anglican Church Windsor Street construction started in 1837 and Georgian Cottages constructed in the 1860s  -  335-337 Windsor Street
2018 06 29 RichmondHeritageWalkandBBQ Drina 9ChapelStreet Note ladder on roof2018 06 29 RichmondHeritageWalkandBBQ Drina Walking between the plane trees
     Chapel Street....a feature of this street is the avenue of London Plane trees              9 Chapel Street  -  a simple timber worker's cottage...note the ladder on the roof   2018 06 29 RichmondHeritageWalkandBBQ DonWo Joseville                                       Josieville  -  Georgian style building  -  construction commenced in the 1830s  -  2 Chapel Street Corner Francis Street     

2018 06 29 RichmondHeritageWalkandBBQ Lilian JillandRhondda IMG 2669 2  2018 06 29 RichmondHeritageWalkandBBQ Lydia ClearOaksHouse

2018 06 29 RichmondHeritageWalkandBBQ Lydia Clear Oaks old fence 2


                      Clear Oaks is believed to have been built during Macquarie's governorship by David Langley, a former sea-captain and glassmaker  -  135 Francis Street

2018 06 29 RichmongHeritageWalkandBBQ Barbara Rutherglen P1190597                                              Rutherglen  -  two-storey Georgian sandstock brick house constructed during the 1830s  -  158 March Street
The owner of Rutherglen, Mr Don Shaddick of Shaddicks Lawyers happened to be enjoying his coffee break while looking out of his office window when he noticed Jill, Rhondda and group.  He very kindly came out and gave both groups a fascinating talk on the history of Rutherglen as well as the building in which his office is located which happens to be opposite Rutherglen.  The office building was constructed in about 1868 and the holly tree in the front garden is reputed to be over 100 years old.  
2018 06 20 RichmondHeritageWalkandBBQ Barbara MortimersCottage P11906002018 06 29 RichmondHeritageWalkandBBQ Barbara TheNewInn P1190598
            The New Inn  -  49  -51 Bosworth Street and........Mortimer's Cottage  -  42 Bosworth Street
2018 06 29 RichmondHeritageWalkandBBQ DrinaThe Cottage 2  2018 06 29 RichmondHeritageWalkandBBQ Drina VW Limo 2                               Beautifully restored VW Kombi Limo  -  331 Windsor Street
2018 06 29 RichmondHeritageWalkandBBQ Deidre BowmanCottage DSCN5843                       The Cottage a fine example of a single storey brick Victorian villa   -315 Windsor Street and Bowman Cottage the district office of NPWS - 368 Windsor Street
Our tour now completed, both groups made their way back to Smiths Park.  Jill and Rhondda's group already had the bbqs fired up by the time group two arrived and it wasn't too long before we were all enjoying our well earned bbq lunch.  Kurt and Linda joined us for lunch.
2018 06 29 RichmondHeritageWalkandBBQ Lilian BBQ IMG 2716 22018 06 29 RichmondHeritageWalkandBBQ SueS settingupforlunch 134317
2018 06 29 RichmondHeritageWalkandBBQ Deidre lunch2 DSCN5845

2018 06 29 RichmondHeritageWalkandBBQ DonWo willy wagtail 2                                                                                         Photographer, Don Wo spotted this very cute Willy Wagtail

St-Peters-Church-Precinct    A link to old photos and notes on the buildings we saw - Ed.                                                                     

For the record the following attended: Helen A, Clive, Margaret B, Maurice, Rhondda, Tim, Elaine E, Ray and Norma, Mary, Martin, Aileen, Celia, Lilian, Peter and Cherry, Lyndy, Chris McA, Dawn, Lydia, John M, Rex and Robyn, Bert, Elizabeth P, Wendy P, Pragati, Barbara, Kurt, Jenny, Deidre, Kevin and Rosemary, Sue S, Lyn, Drina, Jill, Don Wo and four visitors.

Descriptions of historic buildings taken from the Richmond Heritage Walk notes other words by Deidre

Photos by Deidre (1, 16, 19), Don Wo (2, 3, 4, 7, 20), Drina (5, 6, 14, 15), Lilian (9, 18), Lydia (8, 10), Barbara (11, 12, 13) and Sue S (17)