At Bondi,14 EZY walkers gathered for the stroll to Coogee.
As events unfolded, 10 people completed the course and 4
decided that Clovelly was a good place to finish.
EZY walkers are flexible, and a good day for all is a
VIEWING SPOTS From Mackenzie Point, near Marks Park north of Tamarama (resting rather than viewing) and from Calga Reserve south of Bronte
VIEWS View north and view south.
2 HOUSES'Who cares about the view of the sea? I'm not looking at a cemetery' and 'We need those solar panels to charge the Teslas'
FINISH FOR 4Coffee at Clovelly.
For the record:
Barbara and Helen A led Margaret B, Dot, Barrie, Ida, Ros and John, Rosemary and Kevin, Laurie, Robyn Mi and 2 visitors.
Words by Helen.
Photos by Robyn (1,3), Kevin (2), Helen (6-8).
Special thanks to Regular/Plus walker Pete for photos (4,5).