The first walk of the year was a highly successful mix and match Plus and Regular event at Bateau Bay. After weeks of red dust, polluted air,
bushfires and flooding rains, the weather defied probability and provided an excellent ( if steamy) day.
Plus and Regular walkers mingled successfully from the meeting place at North Shelley beach, along the beach (considerably changed from the time of
the recce, with mounds of foam and steep washaways), up the bush tracks to Crackneck Lookout. There we all enjoyed morning tea, with the extensive
ocean views.
Those who preferred a faster pace then forged ahead, followed by a smaller group, to Wyrrabalong. A few of the initial group rejoined the Regulars
for the return trip downhill and some of the plus group continued to Forresters Beach. Lunch was at a pleasant bush reserve at Bateau Bay, then on for coffee at Shelley Beach Surf Club, where the two groups again coincided. Another short beach walk took us back to the cars.
Nick Briefs The Group At Shelly Beach North Nick, Wendy & Kurt Setting Out From North Shelley Beach
We Were Fascinated By The Beach Foam On Shelly Beach, Or Spume That Wikipedia Explains Is:
" a type of foam created by the agitation of seawater, particularly when it contains higher concentrations of dissolved organic matter derived from sources such
as the offshore breakdown of algal blooms...."
Frolicking In The Foam Bateau Bay Beach
Coast Track Sign Enjoying The Shaded Path Down The Stairs
Morning Tea At Crackneck Lookout
HIBBERTIA Hibbertia obtusifolia WEDDING BUSH Ricinocarpos pinifolius HAIRY FAN FLOWER Scaevola ramosissima
PRICKLY MOSES Acacia ulicifolia Banksia's Response To The Rain Land mullet (Egernia major) is the largest of the
skink family of lizards; habitat from Gosford to SE Queensland;
very shy & rarely seen
Bateau Bay: After Lunch At The Picnic Area Blackbutt At The Lunch Time Picnic Area
Forresters Beach - with hang glider top LHS
An Appropriate Letterbox For A Beachside Suburb Happy To Have Completed The Hill To Forrester's And Back
Regular Coffee Group Lookout From Wyrrabalong Trig
Clive With A Blue Tongue Lizard, Shelly Beach End of the walk at North Shelley Beach
Those who signed on for the Regulars, led by Elaine and Barbara R., were Ros and John, Kas, Margaret, Wendy P., Deidre and Sue S.
Those who signed on for the Plus, led by Nick and Martin were Helen A, Nick B, Clive, Don B, Barbara C, Hazel, Bert, Gunther, Kurt, Drina
With Thanks to First Aider Barbara R and Tail End Don B
Photos by: Barbara R (2,15,16,17,24 ), Deidre (4), Drina (6,7,8,14,20,21,22), Hazel (18,19,23), Sue S (1,3,5,9,10,11,12,13)