With the reopening of Olympic Park ferry wharf and the closure of the Armoury wharf, we once again changed plans, setting off to walk around to

Newington Parklands. The thirteen of us must have had a lucky streak as the damp forecast did not eventuate with the sun even shining for a while.
As it was school holidays there was plenty of activity and happy noise. Watching children enjoying an active life was uplifting to us all. We wandered around the parklands to various locations, some climbing up round the hill for distance views. By the time we had walked back to the wharf we would have walked about 5 kms - and we still had to go uphill to Meadowbank station for coffee and trains. A most pleasurable day!
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all Hillviewers were walking so well in their eighties, or, as in Pat U's case nearly ninety?


".... Watching children enjoying an active life was uplifting to us all"

2015 07 10 Social Walk Ray5a2015 07 10 Social Walk Ray6a


".... climbing up around the hill for distant views"

2015 07 10 Social Walk Ray7a

".... Meadowbank station for coffee" with Pat sitting front left2015 07 10 Social Walk Ray4a


2015 07 10 Social Walk Ray3Studying 'Railway switching and drainage 101' were:

Leader Lyn and Kathy H, Pat, Noel, Elizabeth, Elaine G, Kath M, Betty, Jean M, Margaret B, Liz, Norma and Ray.








Words by Lyn, photos by Ray.