A photographic record of the walk lead by Anne R and Anne G.
Twenty three walkers gathered at Smugglers Ridge turnoff parking area. Leader Anne R, blue hat on the right, spoke before everyone set off.
Flowering Yellow Bloodwood, Corymbia. These only flower every 2-3 years. HVB walkers appear more frequently.
The descent of the Smugglers Ridge Track
Up and over. Some walkers with legs not so long chose
to shimmy under the log.
Some balance.... some wade... some earnest and some relaxed across the tidal Marramarra Creek tributary.
But without a doubt the award for the driest crossing went to a visiting walker-the only one with nary a drop on legs or shoes.
Some flowers on the way out along the Marramarra Firetrail
Yellow Dillwynia retorta - 'Mickey Mouse ears' Red Grevillea speciosa
Yellow pea flower, Pultenaea
Pink Wax flower, Eriostemon australaius White Conospermum longifolium
A Lace Monitor escaped up an Angophera as we approached the top of the Marramarra Firetrail
For the record Anne R and Anne G led Wendy, Bert,Dawn, John M, Don B, Pragati, Mary, Helen A, Kurt, Polly, Nick, John B, Sue S, Clive, Sheila, Christine C, Celia and three visitors.
Captions by Sue S. Photos by Sue S(9), Anne G (3) and Helen A (2).