Unusual discipline enabled a group of fifteen plus walkers to overcome the dangers and enjoy the delights of a 12 km walk from Cammeray Bridge to Middle Cove via Sailors Bay and Castle Crag around the shores of Middle Harbour.
The dangers included the crossing of Eastern Valley Way at peak time, golf balls landing 20 m away and a scarcity of loos whilst the delights consisted of a peak at the houses of the semi- super rich built by W.B.Griffin and Bill Lucas, long stretches of sun-dappled bushland and glimpses of manicured greenery coloured by splashes of angophora, flannel flower and kangaroo paw. Throughout the day, there were some great views of the water.
The eager canter of the morning slowed by mid-day as the humid, warm climate made the group toil up the final climb to our lunch spot at the Sugar Loaf where we were rewarded by a wonderful view of Castle Cove marred by the hulk of the Frenchs Forest Hospital on the skyline and a port-a-loo left over from W.W.1.
With the prospects of coffee, the pace quickened past some modern, stark Mac Mansions to a rustic café nestling beside the E.V.W. We had plenty of time before catching the sole bus to Chatswood but our warning to the management in the previous week to expect a crowd had not been noted. After 40 mins, we were all served, gulped down our drinks, forded the dangerous E.V.B. and reached the bus stop with one minute to spare.
After half an hour we were still waiting for any bus to stop whilst a splinter group had been whisked away to North Sydney from the opposite side of the E.V.B. Moral was very low until Number 275 came into view. The mood changed dramatically when the regulars were seen to be on board. The tweets and twitters were deafening as the two groups exchanged greetings.
In the back rows, some were deep in thought- perhaps pondering how to preserve our beautiful city from tunnels direct from the CBD to Middle Harbour, high rise crowding Old Government House and bushland being destroyed for ‘Connex’. Perhaps we should put some energy and time into the National Trust? The Plus group at The Scarp/The Bastion junction, Castlecrag
Leaders Nick and Chris B
Don B, Guenter and the Goanna These Golfers waited for us to walk through
A Water Dragon at our morning tea spot Brush turkeys and their mound Clive enjoying a rest in the Northbridge vineyard
Rough-Barked Apple (angophora floribunda) at Castlecrag Blueberry Ash at The Sugarloaf This looks like a good spot for Morning Tea
Morning Tea at Clive Park
On the Track
The local Dogs love Lush Puppies.
Great idea for old fishing line
This Map must be Wrong The Innisfallen Castle on the ridge of Castlecove.
It is a Gothic style house built over 18 months from 1903–1905 using sandstone quarried on the estate.
It was built for Henry Hastings Willis, a prominent member of the Parliament of New South Wales at the time.
A selection of interesting houses seen at CastleCrag A short water break before continuing on to lunch
Lunch at the Sugarloaf
View over Middle Harbour & Bantry Bay from The Sugarloaf, Castle Cove
Road cut in the late 1920s by Walter Burley Griffin's "Greater Sydney Development Association"
built with the intention of creating a residential development at The Sugarloaf Birthday Leader at the Rustic Cafe
Leaders: Nick and Chris B
Walkers: Clive, Don B, Sue B, Wendy C, Rhondda, Martin, Robyn Ma, Bert, Barbara, Guenter, Anne R, Deidre, Sue S
Photos: Anne R (4,5,6,22), Barbara (1,7,9,19,23,24,25,26), Bert (27), Deidre (2,11,14,15), Sue S (3,12,16,17,18,20,21), Wendy C (8,10,13)
Words: Nick