Piles Creek Waterfall
With forecast temperatures of 27 degrees and the added “bonus” of smoke haze, after our morning car shuffle, 17 hardy walkers set off from Reservoir Rd, Somersby just before 9:00am to do a 15km walk to Girrakool Picnic Area via the lovely Mooney Mooney and Piles Creeks.
The haze was almost not apparent and the temperature going down the gradual slope to the dam and along Mooney Mooney Creek, was cool and pleasant. Flannel Flowers on top of the ridge were stunning and abundant as were the magnificent tall gums and ferns.
Tall timber............... ................flanel flowers................................ ...............lovely walking tracks
Morning tea was had just past the dam wall beside the creek. Bird sound was everywhere as we continued along the creek. An encounter with an Echidna on the track was lovely.
Mooney Mooney Creek: reflections..... .....seen through the trees...... ......and the Dam
Morning tea below the Dam
The shy echidna The M1 soaring above us
We were ahead of time for our planned lunch spot by the creek (this group walked very well), so after a vote and discussions about the rising temperature we pushed on to look for another suitable lunch spot.
After a quick visit by Joe (my friend, GNW walking partner and visitor) to his friends who live beside Mooney Mooney creek not far from the Mooney Mooney F1 bridge, we crossed the creek at the old Pacific Hwy and started making our way up the scenic Piles Creek towards Girrakool.
A suitable lunch spot was found with cool shade for our break about 12:15pm. Talk of possible ticks did not deter us – not even that “tick magnet”, Wendy! We were now waiting for that forecast strong NE afternoon breeze so right on queue, it started up not long into our afternoon walk up the hill to Girrakool.
A good spot for a liunch break
Piles Creek is very scenic as are the tall gum trees, ferns, orchids and rock overhangs with water dripping down in places. The climb was steep in parts but everyone was in good spirits. Even the two red belly black snakes sunning themselves on the track did not worry us. We soon came to the waterfall lookouts (group photos) and eventually arrived at the Girrakool Picnic Grounds to end a lovely walk.
Top of the Piles Creek waterfall, near Girrakool
Our group at the waterfall lookout
Afternoon tea at the Waterfall Café at Mt Penang Gardens was a great finish to the day. Many thanks to all who attended and to Vreni, my excellent co-leader.
Peter T and Vreni led Clive,Wendy C, Polly, John D’C,Libby, Celia, Hazel, Bert, Sheila , Pragati, Barbara R, Guenter, Kurt and Joe and Hartmut (visitors).
Words: Peter T
Photos: Peter T (what a terrific collection - Ed.)