Thirteen walkers, including the leaders, undertook the long but quite pleasant two hour train journey from Town Hall to Minnamurra. On arrival the weather was sunny, the temperature very pleasant but the strong forecast north westerly winds were already starting.
2019 11 08 Reg Lilian MG 9013 A2019 11 08 Reg Lilian IMG 9016 AA A                                                                                                         A shady spot for the leader's briefing                                              Map of the route taken

2018911 08 Reg Lilian IMG 9021 CopyA2019 11 08 Reg Lilian IMG 9028A2019 11 08 Reg Lilian IMG 9031 CopyA                                                                                                                    Striding down to the Minnamurra River along and then up the hill to Morning Tea
About thirty minutes into the walk we had morning tea on Minnamurra Point overlooking the entrance to the Minnamurra River and the sand spit separating the river from the ocean. With the Illawarra escarpment as a back drop this was a post card picture.
2019 11 08 Reg Helen A 100100 Mouth of Minnamurra River




                                                                                    View of the mouth of the Minnamurra River
2019 11 08 Reg Lilian IMG 9038A2019 11 08 Reg Lilian IMG 9040A                                                                                                                                        Don B and Nick B take in the view whilst a few lucky others manage to get a seat
2019 11 08 Reg Helen A 100110 Not Zorba the Greek but Nick the Pom
                                                                                   Not Zorba the Greek but Nick the Pom.                                                                                                                                                                                          We then continued down to Jones Beach. As the path and steps at the southern exit from the beach near Cathedral Rocks has fallen into disrepair and had been condemned by the Council we left the beach at the half way point and walked along Cliff Drive over the top of Cathedral Rocks past the Boneyard and out onto the Bombo Headland.
2019 11 08 Reg Helen A 102437 Threading the rocks 12019 11 08 Reg Helen A 102228 Stop says Claude the leaders are going over the edge                                                                                                                                                                                    Threading the rocks                               "Stop"says Claude the leaders are going over the edge

2019 11 08 Reg Helen A 111728 Lunch over looking Bombo quarry query2019 11 08 Reg Helen A 112944 No lunch in the shade                                                                                                                    Lunch overlooking Bombo Quarry-query?                            "No".  Lunch in the shade
From the Headland we had a good view of the bizarre basalt columns which have formed the backdrop to several films and television productions. These columns are the leftover from volcanic activity in the Permian period some 260 million years ago. As the lava flow cooled it created the hard rock akin to basalt which faulted as distinctive hexagonal columns which now stand in what used to be the Bombo Quarries With limited shade we decided to have an early lunch under some trees on the headland before descending into the pit left by the quarries for a close up of the rock formations at ground level. Unfortunately the nearby sewer treatment facilities gave off a not very pleasant smell and the area looks a little untidy. One feels this could be converted to a major tourist facility but it would require a large dose of perfume..
2019 11 08 Reg Helen A 111602 Bombo quarry from Kurt                                                                                                                       Bombo Quarry
2019 11 08 Reg Helen A 121600 Bombo Quarry 22019 11 08 Reg Helen A 121554 Bombo Quarry 1                                                                                                                 A selection of views taken after walking down into the quarry
2019 11 08 Reg Helen A 121628Bombo Quarry 32019 11 08 Reg Lilian IMG 9090A2019 11 08 Reg Lilian IMG 9085 2

We then continued along Bombo Beach. With the pickup in wind strength the sand began to blast and sting the legs like a scene out of Lawrence of Arabia. After successfully crossing the beach, with low tide we were able to walk along the rock platforms around Pheasant Point into Kiama harbour, on to coffee and the long return train journey home. A nice walk to end this semester of our walk program.
2019 11 08 Reg Lilian IMG 9094A
                                                                          Heading along Bombo Beach with Kiama Lighthouse in the background

2019 11 08 Reg Lilian IMG 9097A2019 11 08 Reg Lilian IMG 9100A                                                                                                                                                       On the last leg, around Pheasant Point to Kiama Harbour

Walkers: Bert and Kurt led Helen,Nick B,John and Ros,Lilian, Claude and Margaret, Mary, Dawn, John D'C, Don B (tail end)

Photos:Helen(6,7,10,11,12,13,15,16,17), Lilian(1,2,3,4,5,7,8,18,19,20,21,22),Kurt (14)

Words: Kurt