Grey skies and a light spitting did not deter eight intrepid walkers from lining up for the start. In our raincoats of various hues, we almost made a complete rainbow!
At a leisurely pace, we followed the Great North Walk from the weir, past Fairyland, Magdala Park and down to Sugarloaf Point for morning tea. We then continued on through bushland and mangroves, following the river, through Buffalo Creek Reserve to Boronia Park where we found Tipperary Falls with a small flow of water. Some street walking then took us to the Field of Mars Reserve.
Swamp near Fairyland Reading the fascinating history of Fairyland
Enjoying the river views from Sugarloaf Point On the boardwalk through the mangroves
Enjoying the mangroves at low tide Making our way past rock walls
Boronia Park - at Tipperary Falls on Brickmakers Creek On the track to Field of Mars
By this time, the spitting has increased to a light but persistent rain (which stayed with us for the rest of the day) so a dry, under-cover spot with toilets nearby was rated with 4 stars as a lunch stop Lunch at 'Field of Mars' Information Centre
After lunch we looped back to Magdala Park via Portius Park and Kitty’s Creek Reserve, completing the loop with a little known high track back to the park, where we were engulfed by lush ferns.
The track alongside Kittys Creek in Portius Park Descent to Kittys Creek
Kittys Creek Splashing across Kittys Creek
A tricky bit on the eastern side of Lane Cove River south of Fullers Bridge Emerging from the lush ferns at Magdala Park
Our return trip to the weir encompassed the murals under the Epping Rd Bridge, a sea eagle standing sentinel next to his/her nest and a completely empty golf course. The day was enhanced by the appearance of some early wildflowers and a generous display of wattles.
And along the way ......Artwork, flowers, fungi, gums, lichen and shells
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10. 11. 12.
1. Cockatoo artwork under the south side of the bridge at Epping Road. 2. Heathy Parrot Pea Dillwynia retorta 3. Rice flower Pimelea linifolia 4.Sunshine Wattle Acacia Terminalus 5. Bushy Needlebush Hakea sericea 6. Sydney Golden Wattle Acacia longifolia 7. Crowea Crowea saligna 8. Great North Walk Fungi 9. Scribbly Gum Eucalyptus haemastoma 10. Sydney Red Gum Angophora costata 11. Lichen near Tipperary Falls Boronia Park. 12. Shells at Sugarloaf Point
Sadly, the café was closed, so all went directly home for a hot drink and dry clothes. Coffee at 'The Fox' Wahroonga was welcome by three of the walkers
Hazel and Wendy C led Jenny and Peter (Tail End Charlie and first aider), Rick, Barbara R, Vreni and Sue S
Words by Wendy C
Photos Sue S (1, 4, 5, 8, 11, 20, 21, 24, 27, 28, 31), Hazel (2, 12, 19, 29, 20), Wendy C ( 3, 6, 7, 10, 15, 18, 22, 23, 25), Barbara R (9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 26)