10 keen walkers met at Bobbin Head in spite of the weather forecast for some rain.
The selected circuit took us straight up the steep escarpment to near the top of the plateau. It was hard going.
Just as well the climbing strength was required at the beginning of the walk and not after a pleasurable lunch!
Great place for morning tea!
Lots of flowers (Boronia mainly) around the Morning Tea area which had a lovely view overlooking the bush and valley beyond.
A fairly flat fire trail led past an Aboriginal Heritage site, one of 350 sites in the Ku-ring-gai National Park. Unfortunately it was closed off. We decided to have an early lunch at the Sphinx Memorial. It shows an Egyptian Sphinx (male features) which was carved out of the local sandstone by Private William Shirley in the 1920s in honour of the fallen comrades in WW1.
A rocky steep descent led us down to the water and along the foreshore. The track was slightly challenging.
Due to the run-off after the wet winter season the undulating path was a little difficult in places.
But being intrepid walkers, we all made it back to have coffee at the Boathouse Coffee Shop in the early afternoon and then home to a well-deserved shower/cup of tea/rest/relax etc.
Thank you, Don, for leading and being a good pacemaker.
Walkers: Don B, Vreni, Christine B (leaders), Elaine, Christine M, Wendy P, Anne R, David S, Nick S, Lyn
Words by Vreni
Photos: Nick S (1,14); David S