Meeting in progress!
Fifty six members gathered at the Pavilion at Bobbin Head, on a lovely crisp sunny morning, for the HVB Annual General Meeting and end-of-year barbecue. As you would expect when this many HVB people are gathered together, there was plenty of noise generated in a spirit of considerable goodwill and friendship. VP Michael chaired the AGM, in the absence of Barbara R swanning around in South America. Secretary John G, in his accustomed efficient way, had circulated all the appropriate reports well in advance, and the Committee had received nominations that exactly matched the positions to be filled. .The general business was consequently dealt with expeditiously, and a new Committee was elected as follows:
President Barbara R
Vice President Michael
Secretary Christine S
Treasurer Don B
Committee members Anne G, Mary, Lyndy, Hazel, Peter R, Louis
Members of the Walks Committee were confirmed as: Bert (Convenor), Roslyn, Celia, Cherry, Robyn Mi, Hazel, Lyn , Peter T, Louis, Jill, Robyn Ma.
The AGM was notable for the retirement of some long-serving members. Anne R stood down, after first joining the Committee in 2014 and also contributing to the Walks Committee. And John G has called time on the Secretary's job.
Back in the mists of time, when HVB took the leap into incorporation, Deidre was the founding Secretary, and we all thought she would be impossible to replace. But when she decided she had had enough in 2010, we found John G - and what a find! He has.done us proud, with meticulous attention to detail, people skills that inveigled quite a few members into taking office at some level, and wordsmithing to keep us all informed and entertained. HVB is a great group of people, fulfilling a useful role, and John has been an important contributor to that success. Thanks, John!!!
Esteemed departing Secretary
The BBQ was followed by a coffee, and another chat, at the National Parks Kiosk.
Present: Helen A, Leah, John B, Don B, Sue B, Wendy C, Susan C, Jenny C, Rhondda, Tim, Elaine, Michael & Sue , John & Ros, Mary, Celia, Cherry, Lyndy, Diana, Kas, Christine M, Bruce & Georgina, Dawn, Robyn Ma, John M, Rex & Robyn, Bert, Steve, Claude & Margaret , Elizabeth, Pat, Wendy P, Kurt, Vreni, Jenny S, Dennis, Nick S, Kevin & Rosemary, Sue S, Lyn, Drina, Cleona, Louis, Peter T, Rosemary W, Don Wo. Plus 5 visitors.
Words and photos : Don Wo
Some of the seniors
Hands off! Serious business Some observers
More observers
Relaxing at last Drina and Sue Ros and Rosemary
Margaret and Claude Not really??!!
Two old stagers
Rogues gallery 1
Rogues gallery 2
Rogues gallery 3