The leaders were met by three other walkers for the two short walks at West Head.

The weather was fine, but the recent rain left the track wet in patches, with a few large pools to be negotiated.  Although it was mainly level, and mainly fire trail, it was not always easy, and the recommended walking poles were useful.  The bush was looking good, with promise of future wildflowers.

2024 07 12 EZYW AnnR salvation creak        2024 07 12 EZYW AnnR the salvation track
                                      Salvation Creek                                                                                    Salvation Track
2024 07 12 EZYW AnnR negotiating some large puddles 1        2024 07 12 EZYW AnnR negotiating some large puddles 2
                                                                                        Negotiating some large puddles
We found a flat rocky area for morning tea, with some welcome sun. 

2024 07 12 EZYW AnnR Morning tea on tessellated rock                                                                                                 Morning tea
2024 07 12 EZYW AnnR Darwina       2024 07 12 EZYW AnnR Grevillea speciosa
                                   Darwinia                                                                                            Grevillea Speciosa
2024 07 12 EZYW AnnR Pea Flower       2024 07 12 EZYW AnnR Sydney golden wattle Acacia longiffolia
                          Pea Flowers - Dillwynia Retorta                                                          Sydney Golden Wattle - Acacia Longifolia

A short walk along the road took us back to the cars, and we then proceeded to the Resolute Parking Area.   It was only about a ten minute walk to the Red Hand Cave, then down the many steps to the lookout area.  The steps were still filled with water, as they had been on other recent walks.

2024 07 12 EZYW Annr track to Red Hands Cave    2024 07 12 EZYW AnnR Looking for Red Hands at the cave
                           Track to Red Hands Cave                                                                 Looking for Red Hands at the cave

2024 07 12 EZYW AnnR Negotiating water flooded steps                                                                                Negotiating water flooded steps
We had lunch at the West Head lookout, which was at its best, the sun shining, the sky blue,  and little sailing boats dotting the blue sea.

After lunch, the preference was to return to the cars by the road, rather than repeat the many steps.

Coffee was at Terrey Hills.

Because of the small number of walkers, we did not need a tailender, and fortunately also did not need a First Aider.

Leaers:  Elaine and Lyn
Walkers:  Helen L., Anne R., Claude de L. (a second time walker).
Photos:  Anne R