
On a bright, but cool, mid-winter morning, fifteen walkers good & true debarked safely at Huntleys Point Wharf for this new walk, which is a shortened version of the very familiar Huntleys Point Circuit Regular Walk.

After entering the grounds of Gladesville Hospital at Victoria Road, the itinerary took the group on a new route on an upper level to the original, but now fairly dilapidated, “Hospital for the Insane” building with its Georgian portico and then down a beautiful avenue of mature Sheoaks to admire the Medical Superintendent’s impressive house, now the offices of the NSW Medical Board.

                                                       EZY 24 07 19 Lyndy lesson in progress     24 07 19 EZY Drina chatting with Banjo                                                                                                             An early stopping point for a discussion                                          Chatting with Banjo

After exiting the grounds at Punt Road, the next point of interest was Rockend Cottage, originally an inn, but later the sometime home of Andrew “Banjo” Patterson’s grandmother, with whom Andrew lived while attending Sydney Grammar School for Boys. Most walkers remembered Rockend when  it was being operated as the (high-end) Banjo Patterson Restaurant. Sadly, the restaurant has lain unoccupied for many years, but there are signs around that it is being refurbished and will “soon” be relaunched as the Rockend Café.

   EZY 24 07 19 Lyndy lonely leaders          EZY 24 07 19 Lyndy flowerey distraction           24 07 19 EZY Drina flying fox territory                                       Leaders contemplating the Bay at morning tea                        Some walkers were distracted by the flowers                Flying fox territory

Morning Tea was taken by the play area in Looking Glass Bay Park, after which it was a bit of a pull up the hill to cross Victoria Rd and stride on to and down Batemans Rd. In this section of the walk, there are many fine old cottages of varying ages and states of renovation.

After reaching the northern end of Mars Rd, the group entered the start of the Tarban Creek Track, off Earnshaw St, and followed it downstream past the Flying Fox colony and onwards to the pleasantly sunny lunch spot in Riverglade Reserve, sitting on some conveniently-placed logs. After crossing Tarban Creek on the walkway, some Creek-level street walking took the group to the final steep climb up to Joubert St South and the coffee spot at the corner of Gladesville Rd, opposite the Hunters Hill Hotel.

                           24 07 19 EZY Drina happy lunchers        24 07 19 EZY Drina yummy with coffee                                                                                                              Happy lunchers!                                                                         A yummy coffee improver for some!


From there, the 530 bus took most walkers to Chatswood station, while two smaller groups departed on buses either towards the city or back to Huntleys Point Wharf.

The newly-devised EZY walk was deemed a success by all, being a comfortable length (approx 6km), wholly on concrete paths or street pavements, reasonably level throughout (apart from the two climbs) & some new scenery to look at for a change.

The walkers were:

Michael & Sue (Leaders), Nick B (Tail Ender), Sue B, Elaine, Annette Elp, Mary, Rosie, Lyndy (First Aider), Di, Robyn Ma, Marilyn, Elizabeth, David R & Drina.

As always, thanks to today’s “Office Bearers”, Nick & Lyndy.   

Photos:  Lindy (1,3,6);  Drina (2,4,5,7)