2024 07 19 PlusWalk Janet 4195Contemplation, MacDonald River Valley

With the addition of some Regular walkers, a bumper Plus group of 13 walkers undertook this walk, retracing the Great North Road. It was a nice frosty start for the ferry ride but the sun was very pleasant in due course. 

The route starts with riding the Wisemans Ferry across, then a brief walk along the road. There are major roadworks underway along this stretch due to damage from rain and flooding. All were very impressed with the traffic controllers stopping the cars in both directions whilst we walked the stretch under repair!

1014 07 19 PlusWalk Barbara 1232329 833Gathering the troops at Wiseman Ferry Picnic Ground    

2024 07 19 PlusWalk Barbara P1232329 834View north from the ferry, Wiseman Ferry
 2024 07 19 PlusWalk PeterT 20240719 083843Eager to get started, puffer jackets at the ready

The Devines section of the Great North Road heads sharply up hill but is the perfect graded firetrail, with lots of examples of the craftsmanship of the early road builders along the way. At the top, where we all caught up with Louis who was walking fast to stay warm, we regrouped.

2024 07 19 PlusWalk PeterT 090146Historic convict-built road  2024 07 19 PlusWalk PeterT 090548Craft of early road builders

2024 07 19 PlusWalk PeterT 091524A reminder of our past  2024 07 19 PlusWalk PeterT 090924Amazing rock formation

Our route headed off along a less clear track along the ridge to McDonalds Lookout. We didn't go all the way along to the end, but found a lovely rock platform with excellent views - a great spot in the sun for morning tea.

 2024 07 19 PlusWalk PeterT 095528Morning Tea time  2024 07 19 PlusWalk Louis 8681View of MacDonald River Valley

Back to Devines Hill, the 'road' headed on, until we came to the turn off for Finch's Line. This was the original route of the Great North Walk, but was never completed and abandoned in favour of the other way. By now the sun was warming everyone, the track was easy walking and we made good time. Lots of gymea lilies and early spring flowering plants were admired along the way.

 2024 07 19 PlusWalk Janet 4191Choosing the road less travelled?  2024 07 19 PlusWalk Janet 4190Views from the track

 2024 07 19 PlusWalk Barbara P1232329 839Gymea Lily on the ridge  2024 07 19 PlusWalk Barbara P1232329 849Peas flowers  2024 07 19 PlusWalk Barbara P1232329 851Boronia  2024 07 19 PlusWalk Barbara P1232329 852Reaching the top of Devines Hill

Lunch was on a large lookout platform with stunning views down to Wisemans Ferry and the river junction below. 

 2024 07 19 PlusWalk Rick DSCF0552erLunch time view  2024 07 19 PlusWalk PeterT 114902Assembled crowd above the river junction

2024 07 19 PlusWalk Barbara P1232329 861This might need some investigation... 

 After lunch, it was time for the track to narrow and become rougher as we started the steep descent. A bit washed out at times, it was a quick sharp descent down to the road. The walk concluded with a 2km road walk back to the ferry. Coffee (and lovely chips, thanks Pragati!) was enjoyed at the Ferry Kiosk at the end. 

This is a lovely walk well within reach of most members - one to be recommended. 


2024 07 19 PlusWalk PeterT 121038Climbing down, down, down  2024 07 19 PlusWalk Rick Elevation profileMap of the tracks

2024 07 19 PLusWalk Rick MM map 2r

Leaders: Don Browne and Janer McGarry

Walkers: Janet, Pragati, Peter and Jenny, Nick S, Louis, Kurt, Leah, Barbara R, Cleona, Kas, Martin, Rick

Photos: Janet, Barbara R, Peter T, Nick S, Rick