Twenty walkers met at the northern end of Bellamy Street in Pennant Hills.Ready to go.
When the customary preliminaries were completed, the walkers started out beside Zig Zag Creek on a section of the Great North Walk.
After morning tea at the Jungo, the group headed (climbed) towards Cherrybrook - some tracks and some fire-trail.
Healthy Bush - 1
Morning Tea group
More healthy bush
All of the bush that we walked passed and through is very leafy and green.
Midway up the climb through the bush we crossed a Berowra Creek tributary, and despite Louis’ gallant efforts to lug some flat rocks into the water, we all got wet feet, twice.We have crossed but Louis wants dry feet on the return journey
The last part of the climb was completed on the Trevors Lane fire-trail. The turn-off to Refuge Rock is on this fire-trail – Google Maps a handy tool.
We walked over the very large area of flat rocks that comprise ‘Refuge Rock’ and decided to explore the before lunch.
A stand-out feature is the large rock, split in two, with the walls 500mm apart and 15m drop from top to bottom.
Every walker joined in - starting at the top and edging their way down through the cleft to the bottom.
Most of the walkers at Natural Arch - Phyllis took the photo
Lunch, seated either side of a cleft rock, the rock on flat ground
After lunch we retraced our route back to the cars.
Appletree Firetrail drink stop
A pause at The Jungo
Fifteen walkers enjoyed coffee at the ‘Pennant Hills Heritage Café’ – recommended.
The Heritage Cafe in Pennant Hills
Fifteen walkers for apres walk refreshments
General Douglas MacArthur and Refuge Rock
Change to programmed walk: Alert readers will notice that the leaders finished the walk at Bellamy Street, not at Westleigh.
The quartet who recceed the walk followed the published program, but decided that the track (and off track scramble) to Westleigh was definitely 'Plus', not 'Regular'.
Thanks to: Chris B and Mary who joined the leaders on the reccee. And to Barb and Mary who helped keep us on track on walk day.
Leaders- Vreni and Helen A.
Walkers: Chris B, Don B, Claud L, Annette Ell, Anne G, Ros and John, Mary, Phyllis, Colleen, Christine M, Bert, Margaret P, Elizabeth, Wendy P, Barb, Louis, Pauline, Lyn.
First Aid volunteer: Ros.
Tail-end Charlie: Don
Photos: Barb 1,2,4,5,6,12,13; Helen 3,11,14,15; Claud 7; Pauline 8; Margaret 9; Phyllis 10; Colleen the Boronia ledifolia on the right.