With ideal walking weather 15 keen walkers met up at Wollstonecraft Station and set out on our EZY walk
Annette briefs the walkers
We found the first stage of the walk quite a challenge with slippery rocks and tree roots slowing us down.
With great care and assisting each other we completed the walk without any trips or falls.
As we began our walk along the Gore Reserve track we startled a pair of black yellow tailed cockatoos which brought the cameras out.
What bird is that?
In single file we continued along this track, which borders Gore Cove, taking our time with stops to admire the bushland and birds.
flowering wattle Admiring unusual groundcover fungus on tree
Shapely angophoras ferns in the sun
Morning teas was enjoyed at Berry Island Reserve. This park was declared a public reserve in 1926.
A stone causeway was createdover this isthmus joining Berry Island with the mainland and upgraded in the 1960’s.
After our morning tea we continued our walk on the Gadyan Track
Happy to be on sturdy path
which loops around Berry Island, and offers great views over Gore Cove.
We spent some time examining a rock engraving site.
On our way back to Wollstonecraft Station we took another bush track detour where we discovered, to Lyndy’s delight, another pair of cockatoos.
After our picnic lunch near Wollstonecraft Station we caught a train to Waverton Station to a cafe and enjoyed a coffee/chat to complete the walk.
Cherry and Annette Elp leaders
Walkers: Nick B, Ann, Elaine, David E, Rosie, Lyndy (1st aider ) Diana, David S, Drina, Theresa, Don Wo and 2nd time visitors Alan D. and Ralph.
Words: David E
Photos: Lyndy, Drina, Don Wo, David S