With a bit of clever walk programming, this walk appeared on the program as both our regular Regular Walk and as a prelude to Hill View’s 2024 ‘Walking Weekend Away’ (WWA) to take place in the Hunter Valley about an hour’s drive north of Gosford. Accordingly, it was nice to welcome 21 walkers, including 1 visitor, from both day trippers and the WWA’ers. And despite the somewhat gloomy weather forecast predicting rain – of course, because everyone brought their parkas anyway – it didn’t rain. Yay!!
Heading off from our meeting point at Yaruga picnic area, it was an easy, mainly downhill, walk to our morning tea spot on a ridge overlooking Gosford CBD and Brisbane Water. Such is the pace of high-rise building in the CBD it seems to be only a matter of time before the buildings would be blocking the view from the lookout – such is ‘progress’: it seems!
Separate groups at Morning Tea
After morning tea it was down, and more down, with the inevitable resignation of what lay ahead: (“what goes up must go down, etc.”) and soon enough the upward climb began with many ‘cardio workout’ steps to get us back to the top of the ridge and a bit of a rest while we looked at the three bronze sculptures of explorers at Nurrunga picnic area: Matthew Flinders, Charles Kingsford-Smith and the initially anonymous explorer who turned out to be Edward John Eyre (thanks Google – however did we cope without you?).
Contented walkers Exhausted walker? Happy walker!
Smiling before the ascent which the track sign referred to as "Challenging". It did not exaggerate!
From the left above: Healthy bush-scape, Forest rough diamond, Tall Ironbarks Eucalyptus sideroxylon, Iron bark close -up,Prickly Moses Acacia ulicifolia
Onwards, this time on the western side of the ridge, we stopped at another lookout where the tree growth was such there was nothing to look out to. Most walkers seemed happy enough to accept the leader’s declaration that if you could in fact see anything – it would be Narara. Aaaah… such is the power of a leader sounding as if they actually know something!
From there it was but a short circle back to Yuraga and lunch – where we were reunited with the EZY walkers and – with the most excellent HVB coordination – the Plus walkers arrived for lunch as well, on their way to Gosford and the end of their 12km walk! Coffee was had at the Gosford Regional Gallery in East Gosford. This was a pleasant discovery for most HVB walkers with its Art Gallery, Japanese Garden and a very nice coffee shop. Then came the parting of the ways with the day trippers heading home and the others heading onwards to the Hunter Valley Retreat in Quorrobolong for WWA ‘24.
Lunch at Yuraga was followed by coffee
Walkers: Ros and John led the walk, joined by: Helen A, Martin, David and Theresa, Sue S, Carol, Vreni, Anne G, Anne R, Bert, Susan C, Elaine, Lyn, Christine G, Christine S, Mike, Cleona, Claude D and one visitor. Tail: David S and First Aid: Ros & Anne G
Photos: Anne R (23), Claude (10,14,20), David (3,4,5,9,11,12,21,22), Helen ((2,6,13,15,16), Michael (7,8) Sue S (1,17,18,19)
Words: John G