Our small band of EZY walkers enjoyed the winter sunshine along the ridge of the upper Rumbalara Reserve. Our route following the Flannel Flower Track (sadly too early for Flannel Flowers) and the Iron Bark Circuit revealed excellent views over the metropolis of Gosford and beyond.
The Iron Bark Circuit held the surprise of three bronze statues - Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith, Matthew Flinders and Charles Sturt, all bizarrely commissioned by Sara Lee (presumably in better times) as part of the 1987 Bicentennial celebrations. We searched along the Mouat Trail for Edward John Eyre who should have completed the quartet of bronzes but despite signage to the contrary, Edward John Eyre had taken fright and was nowhere to be found.
Nick holding
vivid red barkMary, Steve, Joy, Nick, David
admiring statue of Sturt
There was ‘hot seating’ of our lunchtime Yaruga picnic area when, with impeccable timing, the Regular walkers arrived as we packed up in order to repair to Gosford Regional Gallery for coffee. And the Timing god was not done with us yet. Who should walk out of the bush at that moment but the PLUS walkers before they made their descent to Gosford station. We couldn’t have organised for all three walks to converge on Yaruga no matter how hard we’d tried.
Hardenbergia violacea -
purple coral peaView from Yaruga Picnic Area
over Brisbane WatersA visitor at the
Japanese Gardens
Leader: Mary
Walkers: Mary, David R, Steve and Jan, Nick S and Joy (Visitor)
Photos: Jan (1, 2, 5), Nick S (3, 4)
Words: Mary