32 walkers set out from the Spit Bridge on the well-known Manly Scenic Walkway.
Leader briefing at The Spit - most people listened. Then we started on some "real" bushwalking...... ....before descending to who-knows-where!
The group walked as one body to the morning tea spot at Clontarf Reserve, after which 2 smaller groups (of 22 and 10) were formed to cater better to the faster and slower walkers.
Northern Beaches members joined us at Ellery's Punt Reserve, to the echo of many past AGMs. Two groups formed spontaneously!
Sights along the way: Epacris Blueberry Ash-Elaeocarpus reticulatus Pittosporum undulatum Styphelia viridis
More sights: Narrow tracks ....... Serene bays......... 18 footers training
Dodgy housing Fairlight Beach
The faster group paused at the Grotto Point diversion, where 17 members took the walk down to the lighthouse, while 5 waited & chatted on the main track.
The slower group overtook at that point and weren’t caught again by the faster group until Forty Baskets Beach. The prospect of lunch, to be taken at the big park in Fairlight, caused the pace to be picked up by all at that point in an effort to bag the prime lunch seating spots.
A happy lunch group
After lunch, the groups split again (although with some intermingling) for the final 2km to Manly Wharf.
The leaders thoughtfully lined up some last minute aerial entertainment for us
The coffee venue was Criniti’s, just opposite the wharf.
Some colourful wildflowers were observed at various points, while the absence of the large aggressive Water Dragon at the top lookout in Balgowlah Heights was noted (he had left town for his usual winter holiday, presumably).
Regrettably, the only significant birdlife was the sight of 2 Ibis.
In closing, it is fitting to applaud the excellent ongoing efforts to upgrade the track, making the walking so much more pleasurable.
The walkers were: Mike & Sue F (the latter very kindly assisted with the slower group by Kurt S), Helen A, Nick, Don B, Elaine E, Ros & John, Mary, Aileen, Lyndy, Di L, Christine McA, Dawn, Robyn Ma, Rex & Robyn, Bert, Marilyn, Lea, Elizabeth, Pat & John, Wendy P, Bella & Pete, Barbara, Vreni, Deidre, Sue S & Don Wo
Words by Mike
Photos by Christine McA (16,19); Barbara (7); Sue S (2,8,9,10,15,17); Pete (11,12,13,18); Don Wo (1,3,4,5,6,14)