Five walkers set off from Waverton Station towards Balls Head. Balls Head Reserve was opened in 1926 after the local residents campaigned against development of the site.
We looked at the aboriginal carvings and then admired the transformation that has taken place above the coal loader tunnels. The community garden is now very much larger. We walked along a track following the ridge
A wintery view
and met up with the regular walkers at morning tea. Robyn gave the EZY walkers a talk about how Waverton got its name.
The Regular walkers The EZY walkers
After morning tea we took the track to Larkin Street where we admired the view of the harbour and learnt about the area’s past industrial history when it was owned by BP. We walked around Berrys Bay to Sawmillers Reserve, where we had lunch.
Small fig tree Harbour view
Walkers in their rain gear Robyn Mi and the Balls Head Reserve plaque
View of Balls Head
A cruise ship in the harbour
After lunch we went to Blues Point. Two of the group decided to go to North Sydney station and the other three decided to catch the ferry from McMahons Point to Circular Quay, so none of the group actually reached Milsons Point.
Walkers: Margaret B and Robyn Mi led Dorothy, Rosemary S and Barrie
Words: Robyn Mi
Photos: Robyn Mi (1-7, 9, 10), Rosemary (8)