Thirteen was the lucky number of plus walkers who enjoyed the walk along the Perimeter/Wilkins/Cullamine/Slade/Duffys Wharf tracks.  The weather was kind with just an occasional weak attempt to wet us along the track. Morning tea at Wilkins Lookout offered a magnificent view down into Smiths Creek. A similarly spectacular view, from Slade’s Lookout looking west and downstream along Cowan Creek towards Halvorsen’s Marina and the Pavilion at Bobbin Head beyond, was enjoyed during our lunch stop.

The wet and wild weather of early June had created some extra difficulties with some sections of the track washed out and wet and an occasional fallen tree to negotiate. However the plus for the day was that the hard, dry, steep and slippery fire trail down to Cowan Creek and Duffys Wharf was now softer under foot and less problematic than it had been on the reccie three weeks earlier.



                                                                         Ladies on a rock at morning tes at Wilkins Lookout above Smith's Creek2016 06 17 Plus Wendy P1540615



      The rest of the group at morning tea at Wilkins Lookout                                                                                                                 The entire group assembled save photographer Elaine2016 06 17 Plus Elaine 2

a2016 06 17 Plus Barbara P1540616



       Mushroom on the Perimeter Track                                                                                                                                           Wattle along the Wilkins Track             2016 06 17 Plus Wendy cid F1F81D8D 8E26 45AA 892F 05A47833455D

2016 06 17 Plus Wendy cid 4BAAD0E2 75B2 47F5 A31E 02BAA14D99EAa




   Knobbly Angophora on the Slade Track                                                                                                                                   Cowan Creek fron Duffy's Wharf Point
2016 06 17 Plus Barbara P1540627

2016 06 17 Plus Wendy cid 4E7CC921 68D3 4C0A 844D 839AC59FEE7F                                                                                                



      At Duffy's Wharf Point                                                                                                                                                                       Looking down on Bobbin Head2016 06 17 Plus Susan C P1300157

2016 06 17 Plus Barbara P1540628 1





           Duffy's Wharf Track descent                                                                                                                                                             Duffy's Wharf (see note below)

2016 06 17 Plus Barbara P1540621Duffys Wharf circa 1880s


 Note: Picture of Duffy's Wharf supplied by Clive who advises " the wharf was constructed in the mid 1850's and the photograph could have been taken 20-30 years after construction. Note the axeman in the photo, it could be Peter Duffy who built the wharf" 

Words by Ros G.

Leaders Elaine, Lyn and Ros G led Celia, Wendy C. Barbara, Rhondda, Vreni, Susan C, three Johns (B, M, and G) and Clive.

Photos by Barbara (1,7,8,9,10), Susan C.(2), Elaine (3), Wendy (4,5,6)