With constant recent rain and; more forecast today the leaders decided not to risk the Hornsby to
Thornleigh walk on the Great North Walk where the risks seemed too high.
Instead we chose a route which was largely on suburban streets with safe bushland interludes.
Amazingly ten optimistic walkers met us at Hornsby Station at 8.30 for what we thought would be a
challenging slog in the rain…..there wasn’t a drop!
We followed the original plan at first, descending the Depression era Heritage Steps and on to Ginger
Meggs Park.
From there we took the substitute route to the end of Valley Road, a steep descent to
Waitara Creek and a safe crossing on the high and stable stepping stones to the old timber getters’
Preparing for leeches
This took us to a morning tea spot at Wirrega Falls (junction of Dog Pound Creek and Larool
Creek). Here the leech removal process started!
We followed Larool Creek upstream in a pleasant corridor of bushland,
near houses where the bush had recreational opportunities that enticed some of our group
then on to some Thornleigh streets (Yarrabung & Kooringal Avenues & Wild Ash Way) to Duffy Avenue via secret paths and more
streets to Thornleigh Station for a welcome coffee, away from predatory leeches…
A good time was had by all.
Words: Barbara R
The leaders (Wendy P and Barbara R) led Lyndy, Deidre, Cleona, Helen A, Nick S, Anne G, John M,
Elizabeth, Lyn and visitor Christine.
Photos: Deidre 1,6.7.8: Nick S 2,4: Lindy 3: Barbara R 5,9