On a sunny Friday morning, 20 happy walkers set out to discover the wonders of the St Ives Wildflower Gardens.We were lucky to have 2 first time walkers - Jan and Rosemary..... As well as 3 second timers - Anne, Christine and Jean.
We first headed to the Senses Trail and felt and smelt our way around the winding track.
We stopped along the way to talk about the trees and flowers that we discovered there.
After such an exciting walk, it was time to have Morning Tea at the tables next to the fitness area.

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After an obligatory 20 chin ups and 50 squats each, we headed off... Oh sorry.. that didn’t really happen!
After replenishing our food stores, we ventured further and completed the entire loop of the Solander Track Loop. Yes, all the way around!
All 20 walkers made it around and were able to negotiate the ups and downs before needing sustenance again (we are a hungry lot).

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Lunch was at Lambert’s Clearing, along with some neighbourly Magpies.
We then visited The Fernery which was looking extremely healthy with many ferns and orchids; not flowering yet though.
Lastly we followed the boardwalk around the now full pond and staggered to our cars.
Phew! We had finally made it home again!
Last but never least, coffee was at Pattinsons and we had a delightful debrief before heading home for a well deserved sleep.(well at least for some of us)

Thank you to all our lovely walkers for a fun day. Many thanks to David for being Tail-end Charlie. Thank you to Elizabeth and Lyndy for First Aid.

Words:  Lyndy
Leaders: Lyndy / Vreni
Photos: Christine S(1), David S (3,5,6), Lyndy (4), Drina (2)
Walkers: Sue B, Annette Elp, Sue K, Helen L, Cherry, Lyndy, Diana, Robyn Mi, Elizabeth, Vreni, David S, Theresa, Kevin and Rosemary, Drina, and five visitors