What a perfect day for a walk!

2023 05 05 RegularWalk Barbara P1190805Roll call for 25 walkers  2023 05 05 RegularWalk SueS 20230505 084905 resizedOff we go!

Twenty-five cheerful people set off from the end of Bellamy St, Thornleigh along a part of the Great North Walk towards the Jungo. With competitive noise from the white cockatoos, we turned towards the Lakes of Cherrybrook circuit.

 2023 05 05 RegularWalk ChristineM 20230505 085027 2A group photo for posterity

2023 05 05 RegularWalk DavidS PXL 20230504 224959752Never let a photo opportunity go by!  2023 05 05 RegularWalk Barbara P1190810One of a number of crossings...

2023 05 05 RegularWalk ChristineM 20230505 124814 2Taking it easily...  2023 05 05 RegularWalk SueS 20230505 111002 resizedWhat are you waiting for?

2023 05 05 RegularWalk DavidS PXL 20230505 000755067PORTRAITORIGINALIs it my turn?  2023 05 05 RegularWalk SueS 20230505 100138 resizedNow that was easy!

2023 05 05 RegularWalk Louis P5050606Locals used to swim here?  2023 05 05 RegularWalk DavidS PXL 20230504 234248266Picturesque Berowra Creek

2023 05 05 RegularWalk ChristineM 20230505 094103 2Where are they?

Morning tea was taken amongst the greenery of the bush before we continued on, up, down and around with a little street walking, more bushland and lunch in luxury on seats at Cherrybrook.

2023 05 05 RegularWalk SueS 20230505 103820Morning tea!  2023 05 05 RegularWalk Barbara P1190808Just in case it rains?

   2023 05 05 RegularWalk ChristineM 20230505 093143 2Going up....  2023 05 05 RegularWalk DavidS PXL 20230504 233650134....then down      

2023 05 05 RegularWalk Louis P5050605I spy with my little eye...  2023 05 05 RegularWalk Louis P5050618Deep in discussion  2023 05 05 RegularWalk Louis P5050614Where's the Uber again?

2023 05 05 RegularWalk Louis P5050622Is it lunchtime yet?  2023 05 05 RegularWalk Deidre Lunch 42117 2Feeding time in Cherrybrook!

With more bush tracks, we continued towards Thornleigh streets and coffee shops (of course). A little more street and bushwalking took us back to our cars, cheerfully reflecting on a day well spent.

 2023 05 05 RegularWalk ChristineM 20230505 141435 2Great coffee here!  2023 05 05 RegularWalk Bert Callicoma Track and Westleigh Circuit MapWe walked about an extra 1.5 kilometres?

Some floral delights during the bushwalk
2023 05 05 RegularWalk SueS 20230505 091755 resized 1  2023 05 05 RegularWalk SueS 20230505 091834 resized 1  2023 05 05 RegularWalk SueS 20230505 124254  2023 05 05 RegularWalk SueS 20230505 125524 resized 1  2023 05 05 RegularWalk SueS 20230505 125615 resized 1

Sincere thank you to tail ender Don B, first aider Barbara R and our 3rd man on the recce, Dawn.

Leaders - Mary and Lyn - were joined by Helen A, Christine B, Don B, Tim, Elaine, Michael, Kas, Dawn, Christine M, Bert, Wendy P, Barbara R, Vreni, David S, Christine S, Deidre, Sue S, Louis, Theresa and visitors - Janet, Camelia, Nerissa and Cliff.  

Photos: Barbara R 1,5,14; Bert 23; Christine M 3,6,2,15,22; David S 4,8,11,16; Deidre 21; Louis 10,17,18,19,20; Sue S 2,7,9,13,24-28