In the program, Margaret P was the designated leader for this walk, and Helen A the Co-Leader. Claude accompanied these two on a trouble-free recee. Sadly, on the Friday, because of a problem leg Margaret could not walk and Claude stepped in as Leader.
Things did not begin well when Helen was late arriving at track-head. It was largely thanks to Claude's panache, and his expertise in arranging the minimum number of cars that would drive to the start of the walk - and the ready co-operation of the drivers and passengers - that good humour was restored.
1. A wait for the briefing 2. Claude holds his audience
Four cars drove along the narrow, but very well maintained dirt road to the start of Dubbo Gully Road
3. Ready to walk
Throughout the walk trucks carting roadbase (for the road beyond Fairview)passed in either direction.
4 and 5. No chances taken with these guys.
The first stop for the walkers was the Story Board outside the Cemetery.....
... and then the cemetery itself
8. 'Fence stood the test of time'-Don Wo 9. Christine checks her photo (seen above)
Morning tea was taken on the verge in front of the cemetery fence. There were the usual pieces of humour appropriate to the location,
10. Morning Tea 11. After morning tea a grove of eucalypts
The historic old homestead 'Fairview' was our last stop before turning to retrace our steps.
The original owners of the estate were Alfred and Amanda Andrews who had eleven children.
Approaches to Gosford Council to finance the upkeep of the property have been unsuccessful,
and the house is now sadly in a state of disrepair.
12. 'Fairview' in 2023.
13. 'Fairview' circa 1950
On the return walk we ate lunch on the cemetery verge and then walked back to the cars, with stops only to have drinks and take a couple of photos:
14. Don's way 15. One last pose before coffee.
Once all the shuffled cars were back at the 'proper' car-park, everyone bought their beverage of choice from the Mangrove Mountain General Store. We drank these whilst sitting at two sturdy timber tables on the elevated ground beside the car park. A good way to end the walk.
Leaders: Margaret P (reccee ), Claude and Helen A.
Walkers: Ros and John, Sue and Michael, Christine M, Don Wo, Lyn, Vreni, Elaine, Bert, Kurt and visitor Dae.
First-Aid: Ros; Tail-end: Kurt.
Photos: Ros 1,5,14,15; Don Wo: 2,4,6,8,11; Christine M: 3,7,10; John G: 9; Dai:12; Gosford City Council: 13.