Very pleasant weather, being clear and not cold, was provided for this walk. The fire trail from Waterfall to Uloola Falls was closed from early January to end May
for maintenance, so we benefited from a top class surface on this first section.
Briefing at Waterfall Station On the improved fire trail
Morning tea was at Uloola Falls where we not only viewed the falls but also the pretty cascades upstream.
Uloola Falls Morning tea Pretty cascade with crystal clear pool
Then it was along Gurrumboola Ridge track which traverses scenic bushland and heath, with the occasional distant views to the city skyline and Botany Bay.
On Gurrumboola Ridge View to the city
The Whales Back Ladders down to Kangaroo Creek Crossing Kangaroo Creek
It was then steeply downhill to Kangaroo Creek which fortunately included some helpful steel steps, to the lunch spot beside the creek.
Lunch beside Kangaroo Creek
After lunch, we climbed steeply uphill on a somewhat eroded Engadine track, to arrive at Engadine station at the same time as the train home. A very enjoyable day out.
A forest of Gymea Lilies Coral fungus (ramaria stricta?) Other fungi along the way
Hairy hakea - Hakea gibbosa Bossiaea stephensoni Small-leaved Teatree Sweet-scented wattle
Leptospermum parvifolium Acacia suaveolens
Willow-leaved Crowea Crowea saligna Fan Flower Scaevola ramosissima Red five-corners Styphelia tubiflora Heath Banksia Banksia ericifolia
Sunshine wattle Acacia terminalis Snow wreath Variable Bossiaea Lady's Slipper Native fuscia Epacris longiflora
Woollsia pungens Bossiaea heterophylla Hybanthus monopetalus
Leaders: Nick S and Don B were accompanied by: Rick, Hazel, Pragati, Barbara R, Sue S, Cleona and visitor Dae.
Photos: Sue S (1, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30), Nick S (2, 3, 9, 10, 13, 16, 17), Rick (4, 5, 6. 7), Barbara R (8, 11, 12), Hazel (14, 15, 18, 19, 20)
Many thanks to Rick for being both first aid officer and tail end charlie.