Due to the cancellation of the Plus Walk 25 walkers set off from the Salvation Creek picnic area.
Perfect weather for walking, however some steep, rubbly sections resulted in 4 walkers turning back before lunch.
The rest continued on to a beautiful, scenic lunch spot overlooking Cowan Creek with some attractive wildflowers & lots of congenial company.
Concluded with a much appreciated coffee at Terrey Hills, where they coped admirably with the large influx of walkers! (Having been previously warned).

2017 05 12 Reg HelenA 20170512 085757a                         Justice at 15 paces. Don W was late for the start. Mike was Hill View's own Gary Cooper. Fortunately for the walk, both protagonists missed.

                                         2017 05 12 Reg HelenA 20170512 102353a                                              2017 05 12 Reg HelenA 20170512 130252a
Not far along the track we came to a photographic device, tied to a tree, low to the ground. One walker claimed the camera took a photo every minute. Back at the lab, the techician was in for a lineup of HVB faces. Towards the end of the walk was the fox control sign, perhaps explaining the need for the camera.

2017 05 12 Reg ChristineMcA 20170512 094826a
Wild flowers were in abundance, even as winter approaches. On the right a tea tree and below, Prickly Moses Acacia ulicifolia

2017 05 12 Reg HelenA 20170512 103154a

2017 05 12 Reg DonW morning teaa                                                            What was leader Christine trying to do at morning tea? Sorry, the editor can't remember..

2017 05 12 Reg DonW misty cowan cka    2017 05 12 Reg DonW downhill 2a
                                                   MIsty Cowan Creek - but it was 'eyes down' and all concentration on the rubbly track.

2017 05 12 Reg ChristineMcA 20170512 112535a
2017 05 12 Reg DonW lunchaThe lunch view of Cowan Creek was special ...
... as was the bush in which the walkers settled2017 05 12 Reg DonW uphill 2a                           2017 05 12 Reg Marilyn img1371031484
After lunch - back to the rubble. This time mostly uphill, which is easier and safer than down. Every one made it.

2017 05 12 Reg ChristineMcA 20170512 120533a  2017 05 12 Reg DonW b ericifolia very reda
Amongst all the stones, Common Sundew Drosera spathulata and Heath Banksia Banksia ericfolia

2017 05 12 Reg ChristineMcA 20170512 120316a                                                                                               
A photo taken after lunch - almost everyone.

Leaders – Christine McA & Sue F (thank you for stepping in at such late notice as Wendy P didn’t make it back from Vic!)
Walkers – Helen A, Ida, Margaret B, Elaine E, Mike, Aileen, Sue K, Helen L, Cherry & Peter, Lydia, Robyn M, Marilyn, Lea, Claude & Margaret, John & Pat, Pragati, Guenter, Vreni, Don W, Margaret W.

Words - Christine McA.
Photos - Helen A (1-4), Christine McA ( 5, 9, 13, 15), Don W (6-8, 10, 12, 14), Marilyn (12).