Mary led Vreni, Cherry and Peter on the programmed walk. Other walkers guided themselves around Kiama and the shoreline.

Vreni and Cherry view the Little Blowhole ...
2015 11 06 WWA Reg Mary IMG 3290a                                                                                                                                                               ...and the Little Blowhole viewed closer-up

2015 11 06 WWA Reg JohnP Little Blowhole Kiama Heightsa







But the memorable event of the day was the storm, seen in these pictures brewing from Kiama Heights,

2015 11 06 WWA Reg Mary IMG 3296a

                                                                                                         over Kiama Beach,
2015 11 06 WWA Reg JohnP Storm over Kiama Beachd                                                                                                                                                                                                 and the aftermath
2015 11 06 WWA Reg JohnP After the storm Kiamad

Photos by Mary (1,3) and John P (2,4,5).