20 October - All together walk - Sydney Harbour NP - Waverton to Milsons Point
There was an unusual event in Sydney, water pouring from the sky.
Some people might have thought it was a good day to stay in bed or go to the movies.
Undeterred, 15 intrepid Hillview stalwarts and Tristan, a young visitor from France, met at Waverton.
We passed through the upper part of the Coal loader site, the Coal Loader Centre for Sustainability, inspecting the Cammeraygal engraving site and the Community Garden and then down the metal steps (rather than the lift option), through the tunnel under the platform of the coal loader, to join the tracks to explore Balls Head.
Cammeraygal whale engraving Inspecting the Community Garden Wondering about the Native Stingless Bee Hive
The morning tea was deferred as we could not fit into the dry area under the overhang. As we reached the viewpoint the rain had eased, although the city view was still clouded.
No room at the overhang Tristan and Anne G pose in the rain
The city now doth like a garment wear ... cloud (with apologies to Wordsworth)
On our return to the Community centre we deliberated about having coffee but the cold wind had picked up and we decided to keep warm in our damp clothes by keeping walking.
Where is John? How much is that doggie in the window?
We explored the former BP site, now a park which reflects its industrial heritage, then around the playing fields of Waverton park , street walking, and crossing a rail bridge to Sawmillers Reserve for Brunch near a small covered area in case of a shower which did not eventuate.
A windblown group admiring ... the view
Some trusted that it would not rain during lunch Others played it safe under the shelter What was John doing behind the concrete?
Walking around Blues Point Les Francais sont arrivee!
The intrepid Hillview stalwarts
We were lucky to remain fairly dry as we spent 20 minutes exploring the peaceful lush vegetation in Wendy Whitley’s garden, then walked around Blues Point, this time having a clear view of the bridge, and quickly inspected the Comic walk around Lavender Bay and Luna park to enjoy coffee at Milson’s Point.
The bridge from Wendy Whitely's Garden Anne G reads out the history of the garden A beautiful old fig tree
Exploring the garden Claude and Brett Whitely's Female Nude statue Leunig's Mr Curly on the Comic Walk
After coffee Claude and Margaret offered to take Tristan and Anne G to inspect the Admiralty house and Kirribilli house sights that will be part of next week’s walk. As we reached Milson’s Point station the heavy rain set in.
Leaders: Anne R, Anne G
Walkers: Barrie B, Susan C, Elaine E, Mary G, Aileen J, Robyn M, Lydia M, Claude P, Margaret P, Bill S, Deidre S, Lyn T
Visitor; Tristan Words: Anne G Photos: Deidre (1, 11, 18, 19, 21), Anne G (2, 4, 5), Anne R (3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 20, 22,23), Claude (16)