At 08:17: 16 walkers, and no one was optimistic about the weather; most reported making their way from home in rain.
At Cremorne Point Wharf co-leader Nick wears a plastic wrapped street map (keep the land on the left and the water on the right) whilst leader Guenter has a scroll whose text details points of interest.
By 09:05, on the approach to Sirius Cove, the sun was tryng to shine....
....and Sirius Cove reserve was very pleasant. It was here that we crossed paths with the Regulars (whose photographer recorded the meeting).
Before Taronga Ferry Wharf: Classic view.
At Bradley's Head 4½ walkers from 13 pictured decided that the rain was not going to come.
Also from Bradley's Head, a new ferry and two 'old' sailing ships passed by.
Elaine E and Guenter take a seat after the climb from Chowder Bay to Georges Head; and then back on the track to see the following view:
North Head and South Head seen from Georges Head. From here the track leads north for 1.25 km to Middle Head.
On the newly refurbished track to Middle Head, where lunch was taken under a sunny sky, looking out through the Heads towards New Zealand.
After lunch, an easy (that is, no up-hills) half-hour walk to Balmoral Beach and coffee.
Guenter and Nick led Clive, Kurt, Bert, Deidre, Kas, Helen A, Dawn, Elaine E, Barbara, Drina, John B, Martin, Vreni and tail-end charlie Don B.
Photos by Helen A (1, 12), Deidre (2), Guenter (3-5), Drina (6-11, 13).