Today’s walk around Northbridge and Castlecrag included remnant rainforest and some superb views. Thirteen of us set off from North Sydney station, leaving the bus just north of Cammeray Bridge. We walked down to Tunks Park for our first glimpse of the Harbour, and then skirted the Northbridge golf course through Northbridge Park with some excellent views of Long Bay with its myriad of moored boats – some of them, in Salt Pan Creek, only visible as an iron skeleton barely protruding above the water.
Leader at work in Tunks Park Blueberry Ash in flower
A short street walk took us to Fig Tree Point, where a lovely little park has been created from the remnants of The Hallstrom family’s estate. This was a great spot for morning tea, where we watched quite a bit of small boat activity on a calm and peaceful arm of the harbour and fended off seagulls who wanted to share.
Angry, hungry seagull Lea, Robyn and Aileen Navy at work among the boys toys
More street walking led us around the southern shore of Sailors Bay, where we saw some really attractive residences, although in some places the real estate is apparently too valuable to allow for the provision of continuous road verges. Iron props are also needed in one locality to prevent the cliffs from collapsing. We all noted some interesting wildlife atop one of the houses, too.
Lovely properties and streetscapes abounded, but some people apparently value their distant views above the beauty on their doorstep.
We didn't realise Clive was so famous!
The steel supports for the cliff face looked a bit old and rusty
We found a cool peaceful spot for lunch in a shady rainforest remnant on the northern shore of Sailors Bay, but sadly the lyrebird that had entranced us with a continuous rendition of his repertoire at lunch on the recce was not present.
White angophora and blue jacaranda flowers added to the Spring beauty of the area, with some red exotica for highlights. Northbridge baths.
Jan and Steve at our rainforest lunch spot.
After lunch we managed the long steep track with plenty of steps (meticulously counted by Barrie) up to the Castlecrag plateau. From here the street walking views included examples of Walter and Marion Griffin architecture. These stone and simply-designed homes are still around and are heritage listed, but they are in a small swamped minority and not always in pristine condition.
Classic Walter Burley Griffin!
Flowers of Eucalyptus spp. near the coffe shop
We found excellent coffee at a combined homewares/coffee shop, but no-one was tempted by the cut-price cushions available there – everyone apparently convinced they would sleep well enough unaided! After coffee there was some confusion as we decided on transport arrangements, but found that the Plus walkers had had similar problems when sub-sets of the two groups coalesced on buses and trains.
Thirteen walkers enjoyed a pleasant 10km walk. Lyndy and Don Wo led Helen A, Barrie, Annette, Ros and John, Aileen, Robyn Mi, Lea, Wendy P, Steve and Jan.
Photos: Lyndy (5, 14); Helen A (8,9,10,11,15, 18); Don Wo (1,2,3,4,6,7,12,13,16,17).