Ten years of the Social Walks were celebrated today! What a wonderful record for those who have walked consistently with us during this time always bringing with them their smiles and goodwill.
President Kurt was there to help celebrate.
The walk was at Woy Woy and after leaving the station we headed towards the water, stopping for morning tea at a convenient set of tables. We then continued along the waterfront being amused by the antics of various waterbirds, particularly the mother ducks with one or many ducklings to protect. Not even an escape to the water led to privacy for one poor mother and offspring. As we walked further some of us rested, surveying the scene and appreciating the gentle breeze as others went a little further before returning as we had fish etc to buy for lunch.
To truly mark a celebration champagne must play a part. This occurred with enthusiasm and wonderful thoughts of all the walks and companionship through all the years.
Coffee, of course, is a must and this was imbibed at a nearby coffee shop before we caught the train back home full of good cheer and happy memories.
Getting started...in just a minute...once the paper work is filed
Distractions on the way...a new style of posting...next time we can maybe ride...then again, look at the rules
Lyn is asking ''Are these new HVB recruits?"
But these two young bachelors have decided "No. Their pace is too slow".
Morning tea: Clockwise from top left: Elizabeth and Ray; Liz W and Jean Mc; Noel, Pat U, Lyn, Mary and Kath; Elaine G, Margaret D and Norma.
Remember the bachelor ducks?
Here is the distaff side. Somewhat harder working."Mum? Who are these strange people?" "Never mind. And don't worry. They won't want to get wet feet."
Water views and some rest time contemplating one such view.
The group, told to pose if it wanted lunch.
A plover - also looking for lunch?
This is the HVB VIP lunch.
Not only fish, chips but also champers.
Mary does the honours, and Peter and Cherry have stopped by.Lyn reading "You'll never walk alone" sent by Jean and Anne as tribute. (In the true HVB way, Pat is multi-tasking.)
Kath presents a 'thank you Lyn for 10 years "and also "Thank you" to Mary, who tag-teamed with Helen S over the same 10 years.
Walkers Kath, Pat U, Noel, Liz W, Norma, Ray, Margaret D, Elizabeth, Elaine G, Jean McD, Dot, Kurt with leaders Mary and Lyn were joined for lunch by Peter and Cherry
Words by Lyn; photos (2-4) by Ray, other photos by Kurt.
And did you think we didn't see pelicans?