15 walkers met at Hornsby Station at 9.24am for the train trip to Brooklyn. This was an hour later than the scheduled trip which was found on the recce to be very overcrowded with school children. We were met at the wharf in Brooklyn by 3 more walkers. Our group of 18 almost filled the rather quaint old ferry that runs the service between Brooklyn, Wobby Beach and Dangar Island.

The weather was overcast but the predicted showers and wind didn't eventuate.

On arrival at the island we had morning tea and then set off on an hour's walk around the higher western side of the island. From there we looked across to the rail bridge which was originally built across the Hawkesbury River in 1889. During construction of the bridge by an American company the workers and their families lived on Dangar Island.
After lunch we looked at the local community garden which had several old dinghies planted with herbs. We then had a short walk to Bradleys Beach where Kevin S pointed out the anchor point for WW2 boom nets across the water. We then headed back to the wharf passing a row of wheelbarrows used by residents to haul goods from the ferry. After the trip back to Brooklyn we had a coffee stop before our return train trip.

2022 9 02 EZY Don Wo grooup arriving                                                                                                                                            Group                                                                                                                                              2022 9 02 EZY Don Wo ferry Banksia  2022 9 02 EZY Don Wo house with a view                                                                                                                                                     Ferry Banksia                                                            House with a view                                                                                                                                       2022 9 02 EZY Don Wo island protocols  2022 9 02 EZY Don Wo in case it rains                                                                                                                                                 Island protocols                                                                        In case it rains

   2022 9 02 EZY Don Wo aged craft put to use   2022 9 02 EZY Don Wo misplaced aged craft                                                                                                                 Aged craft put to use                                                                                  Misplaced aged craft

  2022 9 02 EZY Don Wo community garden  2022 9 02 EZY Don Wo massive roots for massive tree                                                                                                                       Community garden                                                                                    Massive roots for massive tree

                                                                 2022 9 02 EZY Don Wo monument to poor design                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Monument to poor design

                                                  2022 9 02 EZY Don Wo lunch at the club                                                                                                                                 Lunch at the club

    2022 9 02 EZY Don Wo perhaps a letterbox     2022-9-02_EZY-Don_Wo-taxiJPG.jpg                                                                                       Perhaps a letterbox                                                                           Taxi

2022 9 02 EZY Don Wo waterfront real estate                                                                     Waterfront real-estate

 Walkers: Sue B, David and Annette Elp, Judy G, Andy and Sue K, Cherry, John M, Elizabeth, David R, Kevin and Rosemary S, Rosemary W, Don Wo, Rex and Robyn, and Visitors: Margaret W and Min.

Recce: Cherry, Rosemary S and Annette Elp

Photos: Don Wo

Words: Cherry