What beautiful weather for our walk today!
17 of us gathered at Wombin Reserve & followed a track beside a small creek to Swain Gardens – an attractive English garden. All ready and waiting at Wombin Reserve
We followed a rather rough track down through Seven Little Australians Reserve, named after the book, whose author, Ethel Turner, lived in Lindfield as she was writing it.
Swain Gardens Crossing the creek after the Seven Little Australians Reserve The group on the track Crossing Gordon Creek
Filtered views on the track Feel that rock!
Happy walkers- Morning Tea at last!
A Secretarial wave and other familiar HVB faces on the track
Views walking around Middle Harbour and a Baronial display
The "Too early for lunch" stop Tricky track conditions
We were blessed to have the assistance of Claude & Pragati who were a great help assisting us over some very large rocks on our way up the steep hill.
After lunch at the top we continued on and were very pleased to relax at the Killa Brew café in Koola Avenue where they made us very welcome! At the Killa Brew coffee shop
Another couple of kilometres of street walking brought us back to our cars at the Wombin Reserve.
Definitely the top end of a Regular Walk most of us thought, however we will all sleep very well tonight I think!
Leaders: Chris M and Wendy P led Helen A, Elaine, Michael and Sue, Phyllis, Keith H, Bert, Claude, Pragati, Christine S, Lyn, Pauline, Don Wo and two visitors.
Thanks to Claude and Pragati who assisted with the rock scramble.
Photos: Helen A (1,2,3,6,9,10,12,13,17,20), Pauline (7,8,14,18), Don Wo (4,5,11,15,16,19)
Words: Chris M