Nine walkers gathered bright and early at the Smugglers Ridge car parking area. From here we walked briskly along Marramarra Ridge Fire Trail to the locked gate that marks the start of the descent to Marramarra Creek. Fortuitously, as per walk advisory, some impressive maintenance and upgrade work means that this descent down to Marramarra Creek is currently smooth going and not in the least bit nerve-wracking!
Whole group on the Marramarra Ridge Trail Steeply downhill on the fire trail
Passing through a gully about halfway down, we disturbed the biggest flock of yellow-tailed black cockatoos I’ve ever have ever seen. As we dawdled in amazement at our luck, they swooped to-and-fro above us, before heading off across the valley.
How many cockatoos can you count? Closer Even closer
At the bottom, we all took the side-trip to our morning tea spot at Orchard Campground – where there are now 3 picnic tables. This relaxing stroll along the creek passes the historic orange orchards although we suspect the frequent flooding of the past years may have had something to do with a complete lack of fruit. After morning tea, we continued along the flat to explore the main Marramarra Creek campground, a gorgeous spot located on a sweeping bend of the creek. Well maintained too, with picnic tables and steel fire pits as well as a waterless enviro-loo.
Marramarra Creek Orange tree orchard Morning tea
We then girded our loins for the steep climb up Smugglers Ridge to a splendidly commodious rocky outcrop where we could enjoy (a well-earned) lunch and views. All agreed, however, that we would prefer to ascend this trail, rather than descend it!
Coming up Smugglers Ridge Lunch
After lunch, we walked, mostly along another more bush track-like management trail, back to the cars. Enroute homewards, most walkers gathered at The Local Cooperative (formerly The Cats Pyjamas) in Galston for coffee.
Smugglers Ridge Trail scribbly gum Hovea linearis
Boronia ledifolia Hardenbergia violacea Grevillea speciosa
The unseasonably glorious winter weather, together with such convivial company, and the afterglow of achievement – it was a truly delightful outing.
Leaders: Pragati & Polly
Walkers: Alan, Barbara R., Celia, Cleona, Diedre, Leah, Wendy
Photos: Barbara R (1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11), Wendy C (3, 4, 12, 13, 14, 15), Deidre (8)