On walk day, 18 walkers met at the Elvina trailhead car park. We started down the fire trail before taking a side track to an aboriginal engraving site.

                                           2023 10 20 Reg Pauline rock carving

Back on the fire trail we walked downhill through coastal heathland on a gently sloping track. Along the way we saw 2 goannas on the track.

2023 10 20 Reg Don W Lace Monitor on the lookoutOne climbed a tree which gave us a good photo op.

After a kilometre, the vegetation changed to open woodland and then cool littoral rainforest and the slope was much steeper and very rubbly. Poles were essential.

2023 10 20 Reg Chris.M on the track 2023 10 20 Reg Pauline steep track 2023 10 20 Reg pauline

At the bottom of the hill, we had great views of Elvina Bay and turned left past several houses that have been built on the foreshore.

 2023 10 20 Reg Chris.M Elvina Bay 102733

We had morning tea in a foreshore park, where we were visited by a very cheeky kookaburra.

It perched on Lyn’s backpack for about 5 minutes wanting a feed and then took a half-eaten muesli bar out of Wendy’s hand.

Sue recalled the swing which was there when their family visited for picnics

2023 10 20 Reg Chris.M morning tea with kookaburra 2023 10 20 Reg Don W supervised play at Elvina bay

We continued along Elvina Bay for approx. 1 km. Firstly, to an old gravesite dating back to 1867 for Frederick Oliver one of the sons of a pioneering family.

2023 10 20 Reg Chris.M 2023 10 20 Reg Chris.M gravestone 104515

Secondly, to a waterfall which due to the recent dry weather had only trickles of water but was still pretty.

After this we retraced our steps back along the bay and then back up the hill.

While we were negotiating the steep slope, Christine gave out 2 black jelly beans to those requiring a glucose hit. On other walks she usually gives out one after lunch. It is now rated a 2 jelly bean hill.

After the steepest slopes, we had lunch on a rocky outcrop and returned to the trailhead.

2023 10 20 Reg Chris.M lunch on the track 102843

Coffee was a short drive away at Terry Hills.

Many thanks to Lyn who steped up as co-leader in the past few days when Anne G was not available due to Covid.

Due to track closures on Total Fire Ban days and then Anne’s illness, we were not able to do the recce until the afternoon before the walk.

Walkers: Helen A, Elaine, Michael and Sue, Rosie, Keith H, Christine M, Bill M, Bert, Elizabeth, Wendy P, John S, Vreni, Pauline, Don Wo. Leaders Annette Ell and Lyn.

Photos: 1,4,5 Pauline. 2,8 Don. 3,6,7,9,10 Christine M

Words: Annette Ell