Two words best describe today’s walk: ‘wet’ and ‘wonderful’.
The Briefing Off we go
From Banksia Picnic Area twelve hardy walkers set off in light rain along the well maintained Ridge to Rainforest Track, descending through beautiful rain forest glades to the first creek crossing of the walk, near the Stoney Creek car park.
Trackside birdsnest fern Miserable morning tea stop and leech check
We stopped to have morning tea a short distance from here at the second creek crossing where some in the group also carried out a leech eradication inspection. After morning tea we crossed the creek and headed for the Arboretum Trail, crossing the creek again on a somewhat springy suspension bridge.
The second crossing One at a time
Strickland State Forest was the first government forest nursery (1886) and first forestry training school (1920). The huge remnant trees from the period, that can be seen along the arboretum trail, are amongst the oldest in Australia.
A couple of decent Tallowwoods
Bunya trunk Cabbage Tree trunk How did this happen?
At the end of the arboretum loop we branched off and did the Bellbird Trail before crossing back over the creek to the morning tea spot, from here we headed up the Stoney Creek Trail, deciding along the way there were no suitably dry lunch spots and so returning to the Banksia Picnic Area shelter for lunch.
. The third crossing
Lunch under the shelter
After lunch a small group elected to do the Cabbage Tree Trail before catching up with the others for coffee at Penang Gardens.
Thanks to all who participated and to first aider and tail ender, Rick and David S respectively.
Walkers: Elaine, Dawn, Bill M, Janet, Bert, John S, David and Therese, Lyn, Don Wo.
Walk Leaders: Tim and Rick
Photography: David S (1, 3 & 7), Rick (15), Don Wo (2, 4, 5, 6, 8 to 14 inclusive)
Elevation and Map: Rick
Words: Tim