Fifty-five members gathered in the Bobbin Head Pavilion for the AGM
Despite a rather cold southerly wind threatening to be a problem before the crowd arrived, a thoroughly enjoyable time was had by all at our AGM and BBQ at Bobbin Head on Friday. The air warmed, the sun came out and a general air of convivialty and fun was in evidence.
Firstly the serious business of the AGM was dealt with thanks to helpful movers, seconders and universal "'ayes" from the fifty five members present who accepted the official documents without complaint.
The wonderful Walks Sub Committee was confirmed (including our new recruit Keith) and a full complement of Committee Members were elected with the assistance of our Returning Officer, Bert. A special welcome was given to the new Committee members Leah, Phyllis and Nick S.
Committee Members: Michael, Don, Nick S, Barbara, Phyllis, Hazel and Lyndy
(Leah,Christine and Peter R were unable to be at the AGM)
(Leah,Christine and Peter R were unable to be at the AGM)
Presentations of engraved wine glasses were made to the departing Committee members, Mary, Anne G & Louis in gratitude for their contribution to HVB. Bert also received a wine glass as recognition for his recent retirement as Webmaster, Walks Sub Committee Convenor and Walks Registrar. In addition a book voucher was given in appreciation of his tireless contribution to HVB in so many roles, official and otherwise over more than sixteen years.
Presentations to Mary, Anne G, Louis and Bert
David S let us know about progress with leader volunteering for next Semester (all positions were filled soon after), Mary reported on the April Weekend Away developments (you can still book to come) and Deidre encouraged anyone who can help by becoming a Walks Report Editor, to contact her & take advantage of some training in January (two new recruits so far)
David S, Deidre, Barbara, Mary and Bert speaking at the meeting
Meat was cooked, goodies were shared, animated conversations were had by the now sixty members present and a general joie de vivre was enjoyed by all. As if that wasn't enough, a pilgrimage was made by many to the Marina cafe where all orders were eventually delivered with a minimum of confusion. A great day!
After the meeting some enjoyed coffee at the marina
while the group who had walked down from the Sphinx walked back up to their cars
while the group who had walked down from the Sphinx walked back up to their cars
Words: Barbara
Photos: Nick S (1, 2, 3, 4, 5); Don Wo (6, 7, 8, 9, 10); Barbara (11, 12, 13); Peter T (14)